Mission: Financially and Emotionally Helping People in South Carolina with a Brain Tumor or Cancer
Vision: To Be Able to Financially Serve Everyone with Cancer in Some Capacity. To Provide
Families in Need of Assistance with Guidance, Resources, Emotional Support, and HOPE
Values: Transparency ~ Integrity ~ Servanthood ~ Respect ~ Collective Responsibility
Nick Price was diagnosed with an exophytic pontine glioma brain tumor at age 15 on January 29, 2015. This is a tumor on the brain stem that was growing into the 4th ventricle of his brain. This is a very complex and hard to reach tumor in the pons area of the brain stem. The family traveled the country meeting with several different facilities and neurosurgeons to find someone who could remove the tumor without causing severe neurological deficits or worse. This part of the brain controls several vital functions of the body including voice, eyes, arms, legs, swallowing, and breathing. The family chose Drs. Sanai and Spetzler at Barrow Neurological in Phoenix, AZ. These two world renowned neurosurgeons specialize in brain stem tumors and partnered up to perform Nick's surgery. Nick had 2 surgeries - 2 days apart in mid June to remove the tumor that is now nearly 100% gone. It took him months to fully recover and now Nick is on a mission to help others that have been diagnosed with cancer. He has created and developed a nonprofit organization called the Nick Price Foundation that has helped families across the country. WE BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!
Get in touch with Nick Price Foundation to get help or to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.